Di Google Chrome Versi 100 Akan Ada Banyak Situs Tidak Bisa Dibuka

In Google Chrome Version 100, There Will Be Many Sites Can’t Be Opened

Droidcops.COMAt the end of March 2022, version 100 of the Google Chrome browser will be released, and with the appearance of the third digit in that version number, some problems may arise.

The reason is, in this version update, a number of sites are reportedly no longer able to be opened. Google claimed to have realized the potential of the obstacles that might arise, and they are now working to overcome them.

A website in order to work and be accessed, must be able to determine the version of the browser used by the user. This is commonly referred to as a User Agent. For example the User Agent would normally be listed like this: “Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0l; Wind64; x64) AppleWebkit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 96.0.4464.45 Safari / 537.36″.

For Chrome browser, the User Agent listed in the above example is “Chrome / 96.0.4664.45”, where the number 96 at the beginning of the number is the main version of the browser.

Some web services, such as Duda Website Builder, can only read the first two digits of the number when checking the browser version. The majority also no longer work with browsers below version 40 (2015 release). While Chrome will have a three-digit version with its version 100, where it will only read two-digit to version 10.

Under these conditions, Chrome version 100 will only be read as version 10, and because it is under version 40, some sites will not be able to be opened. Google has confirmed that this will be a problem, and an error may appear in certain cases.

One solution that Google is working on with this problem is, to outsmart the version of that browser later. Possibly later Chrome version 100, will place the number 100 not at the very front, but in the middle of the version number. So it would look like this: Chrome 99.100.1234.88.

While the most concrete solution in this case would of course be to change the algorithm in browser version checking, which may take a while to implement.

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