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How to Download and Use Telegram Stickers on WhatsApp | Droidcops

The messaging application Telegram offers a variety of stickers that we don’t find in its competitor application, WhatsApp, so many people ask, can Telegram stickers be used on WhatsApp? The answer is yes!

You can download Telegram stickers to WhatsApp easily and quickly, to be used on WhatsApp as long as you exchange messages through the WA application.

Before starting, first make sure that you have both the Telegram and WhatsApp chat applications on the smartphone that you are going to use. Please note that there are differences between Telegram and WhatsApp regarding the use of these stickers.

How to move Telegram stickers to WhatsApp you can do by following the steps below.

1. Download Telegram Stickers

how to use Telegram stickers on WhatsApp

To be able to use Telegram stickers on WhatsApp, the first thing you have to do is download, or download Telegram stickers first.

How to download Telegram stickers is quite easy and you can do it directly from your smartphone, by following the steps below.

  1. Open the Telegram app, then click the 3 bar icon in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Select “Settings” then “Chat Settings”.
  3. Scroll down and select “Stickers and Masks”.
  4. Select Trending Stickers, then start selecting the sticker you like and tap “ADD” to the right of the sticker.
  5. The selected sticker will be added to the sticker pack list.
  6. Click the 3 dots icon next to it, then select “Copy Link”.
  7. Go back to Telegram homepage, then Click the search icon.
  8. Look for the “Sticker Downloader” bot in the search and select one.
  9. After that, select the ‘Start’ button at the bottom.
  10. Type “Settings” in the chat box and send it to the bot.
  11. In return, the bot will provide 4 different format options. Select the “webp” format.
  12. The bot will confirm that the sticker has been saved.
  13. Now paste the link copied in step 6, and send it to the bot.
  14. Wait for the Zip to appear, then download.
  15. Telegram stickers have been downloaded.

2. Create WhatsApp Stickers from Telegram Stickers

How to Use Telegram Stickers on WhatsApp

After you finish downloading Telegram stickers, the next step is to move the sticker so that it can be used in the WhatsApp application when you are chatting with someone.

To move Telegram stickers to WhatsApp, you need to download the app ‘Personal Stickers for WhatsApp‘ which can be found on the Google Play Store. Once the app is installed, follow these steps.

  1. Open the Personal Stickers for WhatsApp application.
  2. On the app’s homepage, there will be a folder of recently downloaded stickers.
  3. Click “Add”.
  4. Next, open WhatsApp, and the sticker can immediately be used in the WhatsApp sticker column as usual.

Easily Download Telegram Stickers to WhatsApp

Interacting remotely with chat applications seems incomplete if there are no stickers. Stickers themselves are a feature provided by almost every chat application to represent the sender’s emotions, including Telegram and WhatsApp.

These stickers are usually used to express yourself in a chat, for example, crying stickers to express sad feelings, laughing stickers to show happy feelings and so on.

Along with the development of technology, now the sticker feature is increasingly widespread by providing interesting unique images. It’s no wonder that stickers on Telegram and WhatsApp chat applications have become popular.

Hopefully this tutorial on how to move Telegram stickers to WhatsApp is useful, yes. Good luck!

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