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Genshin Impact resin: how to get, what it is for and regeneration – Droidcops

The protogems are not the only special currency of Genshin Impact. The Resin, although it is a unit that regenerates itself and it does not determine so much the rewards that we can obtain, it is necessary to obtain certain prizes, from the stone flowers to the highest level bosses. Without this Resin, no matter how much you defeat them, you will never get anything in return.

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Genshin Impact resin: how to get, what it is for and regeneration - Droidcops 10

While not the biggest mystery in the game, Resin is something to consider if we want to raise our levels and get items and other improvements necessary for our characters to become an elite unit.

Follow this guide and you will understand everything necessary regarding this economic unit.

How to get the Resin

Although the most basic method of replenishing this item is to wait 16 hours in real time for it to be replenished automatically, for the most impatient there is another simpler way, and relatively easy, to add units to this waxing quarter of the Moon.

Let’s be practical. The first thing you must face is do the daily missions of the game, in any or all regions and, most likely, your reward will include a weak Resin unit, a single-use item that instantly replenishes 60 units of this material to be spent at our pleasure.

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Genshin Impact resin: how to get, what it is for and regeneration - Droidcops 11

A solid second option is buy Resin with protogems, which you can get relatively comfortably, up to a maximum of 60 units per day. However, prices become more expensive as more purchases more.

Concretely it works like this:

  • First buy: 50 protogems.
  • Second purchase: 100 protogems.
  • Third purchase: 100 protogems.
  • Quarter purchase: 150 protogems.
  • Fifth purchase: 200 protogems.
  • Sixth purchase: 200 protogems.

Apart from the above, your only alternative is to wait … and wait … and …

What is the Resin for?

As we have commented, the Resin is used exclusively for access certain rewards of a somewhat advanced level, though not insultingly distant either. Without the Resin you will lose many things along the way, among them dozens of protogems that we will desperately need.

Genshin Resin

The specific events where we can use this unit are:

  • The flowers law: Arbitrary and permanent events where, after defeating 8 to 10 enemies, we unlock these flowers and, with 20 units of Resin, they give us coins, protogems, experience and other objects.
  • Abyssal domains: From a certain point in the story we can access the abyssal domains, a dungeon where each level has a series of phases that increase in number and difficulty as we progress. To unlock the treasures they give us, we need 20 units of Resin.
  • Elite bosses: From guardians of ruins to other individuals, we will require 40 units of Resin to, once these mastodons are defeated, access the treasure and prize that is behind so much sword and free elemental.
  • Weekly Rank Bosses: Special bosses that, although of high difficulty, for 40 units of Resin offer high-level rewards, experience, money and artifacts that border on that sweet spot where every player wants to go.

Resin Regeneration

It has no misterio some. As we have said, the Resin regenerates automatically over time.. Specifically 1 unit every 8 minutes.

To get the complete pack we will have to wait 16 hours. No tragedy but, if you are of that category that you eat the nails of your hands and feet and you also eat those of the person next to you, follow this guide and you will be able to replace this unpleasant tic for the calcium in our body.

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Genshin Impact resin: how to get, what it is for and regeneration - Droidcops 12

As always, we wish you the best. Front Gamer is still here for you and for you.

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